Answer: ATOM
ATOM is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 498 times.
Referring Clues:
- Energy source
- Quark's place
- Fermi's fascination
- Kind of smasher
- Physicist's concern
- Bit
- Diminutive DC Comics superhero, with "The"
- Bit of physics
- Pion's place
- Elemental particle
- Jot
- Elementary particle
- Teensy bit
- Kind of bomb
- Tiny particle
- Focus for Fermi
- Positron's place
- Molecule part
- Smashed item
- First half of the files?
- Speck
- Item of interest to Niels Bohr
- Whit
- Part of a molecule
- Home to a muon or pion
- Jot half the alphabet (4)
- Chemistry book chapter,with "the"
- Basic bit
- Something to smash
- Bohr's study
- Molecule component
- Electron's place
- Little bit
- It's smashed in a lab
- Lepton's locale
- Nuclear energy source
- Proton's place
- Tiny building block
- Infinitesimal bit
- Basic building block
- With 60-Across, 1960's TV cartoon hero
- Wee bit
- Unit of a molecule
- Tiny powerhouse
- Unit of matter
- Tiny part
- Subject for Fermi
- Minute bit
- Subject of fission
- Tiny bit
- Split bit
- Interest of Fermi
- Something smashable
- Mighty bit
- Site of tiny orbits
- Tittle
- ___ smasher
- Bit to split
- Bond component
- With 41-Down, nuclear device
- Quantum mechanics model
- Molecule building block
- Elemental unit
- Fissionable particle
- Wee particle
- Tiny energy source
- It may get smashed
- Tiny bit of matter
- Molecule builder
- Proton place
- Element component
- Tiny bit of physics
- Electron's home
- Basic unit for the elements
- Particle accelerator particle
- Half the dictionary?
- Smallest part of an element
- Particle that may be "smashed"
- Protons, neutrons, and electrons combined
- A little bundle of energy
- Smallest conceivable portion
- Little bit of matter
- Diminutive DC Comics superhero
- Elemental building block
- Cartoon crime-fighter ___ Ant
- Mighty mite
- Smallest amount of gold?
- Hanna-Barbera's heroic Ant
- Molecule member
- Power particle
- Matter unit
- ___ Ant of cartoons
- Tiny source of energy
- Bit of matter
- Energy particle
- Molecular component
- Fission subject
- Nanotechnology subject
- Microphysics particle
- Supercollider collider
- Chemical building block
- Basic particle
- Physics focus
- Physics subject
- It's made of electrons and protons
- Where a quark is located
- Physics 101 topic
- Basic unit
- Cyclotron particle
- Hadron's place
- Quark's locale
- Subject for Bohr
- Molecular 60-Across
- Volume 1 of a two-volume encyclopedia?
- Accelerated bit
- Quark place
- Minute particle
- Physics class topic
- Small matter?
- Shred
- Neutrino's place
- Science class topic
- Small amount
- What the winged woman is holding in the Emmy statuette
- It can get smashed
- Cyclotron bit
- Bohr theory subject
- Hard thing to split
- Cartoon character ___ Ant
- "The Sweet Hereafter" director Egoyan
- "Up and ___!" (Radioactive Man's battle cry)
- "Ararat" director Egoyan
- Bohr model depiction
- It might be split
- Tiny power source
- Subject of a split
- N preceders?
- Wee energy source
- Subject for John Dalton
- Heart of the matter?
- Power source
- Symbol of the post-1945 age
- Tiny bundle of energy
- Electron's locale
- Building block of matter
- Fissionable unit
- Place for positrons
- Physicist's study
- Proton spot
- Small part
- Scintilla
- Particle
- Big-bang material
- Uranium unit
- Wee thing
- Basic unit of matter
- Electrons' place
- A bit smashed?
- Smashable thing
- Source of nuclear energy
- It gets smashed
- It's smaller than a molecule
- Molecule piece
- Very small matter
- Certain smasher's target
- Mite
- Ant who once teamed with Secret Squirrel
- Quarky item?
- It was once thought to be indivisible
- Certain smasher input
- Bit of nuclear physics
- Smashing subject
- Nucleus electrons
- Bit to be split
- Tiny bit to split
- Building block of nature
- Small matter
- Minute matter
- One of three in a water molecule
- Bit for Fermi
- Molecule maker
- Democritus' indivisible unit
- Label on the first of two file drawers, often
- Physicist's subject
- It may be smashed
- What the Bohr model models
- Tiniest bit
- Powerful particle
- Microscopic bit
- Small particle
- Building block of physics
- Reactor factor
- Basic biological building block
- Unit proposed by Leucippus
- Molecule constituent
- Half the alphabet?
- Splittable bit
- Minimal matter
- Bit of beryllium
- Minimal molybdenum
- It's just a little bit
- Word that comes from the Greek for "indivisible"
- Small building block
- Place for a proton
- Controversial power source
- Source of energy
- Physics bit
- Unit quantified in a subscript
- Unit in physics
- Tiny power unit
- Molecular matter
- Microscopic building block
- Quark's milieu
- Orbit site
- Unseen energy source
- __ bomb
- Splitting it releases energy
- Teeny bit
- It may get smashed or split
- Excitable one
- Elemental bit
- Mr. ___, radioactive enemy of Captain Marvel
- Concern for Edward Teller
- Elementary bit
- One of three for H20
- ___ bomb
- It has its quarks
- A bit that can be split
- Molecule mite
- Elemental combiner
- "We have split the ___"
- The Sweet Hereafter director Egoyan
- Bit with a nucleus
- The H, H or O in H2O
- Nature's building block
- Bomb type
- It's a small thing
- Element element
- Fermi's study
- Quark's home
- Fermi's bit
- Fermi's tidbit
- Physics particle
- Lab particle
- Fermi's concern
- Bit for 38-Across
- With 4-Across, mushroom cloud producer
- Teeny particle
- Minuscule bit
- Fermi's unit
- Fermi's particle
- Small bit
- Unit for Fermi
- Fermi's subject
- Itty-bitty bit
- Film director Egoyan
- ___ smasher (accelerator)
- Teensy particle
- Smasher bit
- Lab particle
- Chemist's concern
- Tiny particle
- Molecular bit
- Lepton site
- Molecule bit
- Quark site
- With 28-Across, particle accelerators
- Quark locale
- Molecule unit
- Neutron's place
- Element particle
- Physicist's subject of study
- Molecular building block
- Tiny quantity
- Maker of bonds
- Its diameter is measured in picometers
- Smashing target
- Building block of molecules
- Nucleus' place
- Itsy-bitsy bit
- Potent particle
- Bit of science
- Cyclotron input
- Electron home
- Literally, "indivisible"
- Unit in a Brownian model
- Basic elemental unit
- Minute power source?
- ___ Ant ('60s cartoon hero)
- Nuclear component
- Isotope, e.g.
- It's tiny and it may get smashed
- Basic physics focus
- It's elementary
- Smallest unit of an element
- See 101-Down
- Wee bit of physics
- It can be viewed with a scanning tunneling microscope
- Bit that can be split
- Molecule portion
- Smidgen
- Minimum amount of an element
- Proton's spot
- Diagram subject in a chemistry text
- It has one or more shells
- One of trillions in a single human body
- Thing that might decay
- Nuclear-energy source
- Bohr study
- Cyclotron fodder
- Fundamental matter?
- It's smashed in a particle accelerator
- Type of bomb
- Particle depicted on an Emmy
- Small wonder?
- It may be ionized
- Diminutive superhero (with "The")
- Nuclear particle
- Symbol in the logo of "The Big Bang Theory"
- Egyptian god of creation
- The first thirteen rows, perhaps
- AEC logo
- Accelerator item
- It may be split or smashed
- Topic of elementary education?
- Bond holder?
- Supercollider bit
- Energy source in a small package
- Iota
- One of 24 in a glucose molecule
- Ion, for instance
- Chemistry class subject
- Ion, e.g.
- What 2-Down studied
- Radical component
- Half of a two-volume encyclopedia, say
- Bond part
- Depiction on an Emmy
- Energetic elementary particle?
- Modicum
- Bosons live there
- First half of the alphabet?
- Tiny nuclear-energy source
- Little matter
- Tiny matter
- Fermi split it
- Proton's locale
- Physics class subject
- Minimal amount of magnesium
- Nuclear power source
- Captain ___ (DC Comics superhero)
- Tiny "smashing" target
- Physics building block
- Focus of study for Niels Bohr
- Focus of quantum mechanics
- Thing smaller than a molecule
- Splitting target
- ___ Ant (cartoon superhero)
- Nuclear energy particle
- Molecule
- Unit of uranium
- Quark's location
- Place for protons
- Minute amount
- It's just a little bit?
- Particle in a smasher
- Thing split in fission
- Invisible energy source
- The 'H' or 'O' of H2O
- Tiny portion
- Wee amount
- Sometimes-smashed minuscule thing
- Ion, at times
- Particle for Bohr
- Half of a two-volume directory
- Minute energy source
- Bit of the universe
- Particle for Niels Bohr
- Super ant of cartoons
- Pile particle
- It's little matter
- Tiny physics bit
- Molecular unit
- Bomb variety
- Thing whose size is measured in picometers
- 100-picometer thing
- Mote
- Material
- Nuclear particle or filmographer Egoyan
- Bond collector?
- Part of the "Big Bang Theory" logo
- Chemistry text particle
- Lord Rutherford's concern
- Particle for Fermi
- Accelerator bit
- Minute quantity
- "___ Land" (2018 book on particle physics)
- Highest part of an Emmy
- Neutron's home
- Tiny bit of energy
- Oppenheimer subject
- Muon's place
- Minuscule particle
- Particle with protons
- Angstrom-diameter thing
- Ion, perhaps
- Something divided in W.W. II
- C, Ar, B, O or N
- NRC logo item
- Physics class model
- Electron's surroundings
- ___ Ant: tiny toon superhero
- ___ smasher (supercollider nickname)
- Physicist's bit
- Proton's home
- Particle depicted on Emmys
- Chem class model
- Protons' place
- Ion source
- Micro amount
- Physics matter
- Particle studied in physics
- C or O, in carbon monoxide
- Home for protons
- Physics 101 subject
- Chemist's study
- Either H in H2O
- Minuscule amount
- Little wonder?
- Smallest unit of matter
- Bit of chemistry
- Subject of J. J. Thomson's "plum pudding" model
- Something of little matter?
- Small bit of matter
- Science word from the Greek for "indivisible"
- One tiny bit
- Small unit of matter studied by Lise Meitner
- Model in a science classroom
- Subject of Niels Bohr's model
- If an apple were magnified to the size of the Earth, this would be close to the size of an apple
- Chemistry unit whose size is measured in angstroms
- Elemental part of an element
- A little bit of everything?
- Manhattan Project subject
- Particle once modeled as "plum pudding"
- Particle with an electron cloud
- Just a bit
- One of three in a carbon dioxide molecule
- Tiny particle that can form a bond
- Nucleus's place
- It may be bonded
- Its name comes from the Greek for "uncuttable"
- It's 99.9% "empty space"
- Research subject for which Bohr won a Physics Nobel
- Small thing
- Molecule part that sounds like a name
- Particle that's Ryan Choi's superhero name
- Physics entity
- Tiny unit of matter
- It's hardly any matter at all
- What's the matter?
- Small unit of matter
- High school model, maybe
- It's often drawn with three ellipses
- Elementary building block
- Basic unit in chem class
- Basic unit in chemistry
- Subject of study at CERN's laboratory
- Its behavior is described by quantum physics
- Symbol held aloft in an Emmy statuette
- Subject for Niels Bohr
- Bit with neutrinos
- Particle once modeled as plum pudding
- Very tiny bit
- Fission focus
- Bit that bonds
- Symbol on the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant cooling towers
- Bonding partner
- More than 99% of one is empty space
- What's split in a fission reaction
- Small particle studied by Maria Goeppert Mayer
- The H or O in H2O
- Thematic element in 2023's "Oppenheimer"
- Particle with an orbital system
- Fission target
- Little bit of make-up?
- Thing of little matter to physicists?
- Tiny elemental particle
- Particle with a nucleus
- Particle that contains quarks
- Tiny matter?
- It comes from the Greek for "indivisible"
- Ball-and-stick model
- Quantity of strontium in an award-winning 2018 photograph
- Subject of the obsolete "plum pudding model"
- Chemistry building block
- A chem student might make a model of one with styrofoam balls
- First half of a two-volume encyclopedia on physics, aptly?
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - February 17, 2025
- USA Today - February 14, 2025
- USA Today - January 28, 2025
- USA Today - January 24, 2025
- New York Times - January 16, 2025
- USA Today - November 25, 2024
- LA Times - November 13, 2024
- New York Times - November 11, 2024
- New York Times - November 07, 2024
- LA Times - October 26, 2024
- New York Times - September 24, 2024
- USA Today - September 23, 2024
- USA Today - September 06, 2024
- LA Times - June 16, 2024
- New York Times - May 26, 2024
- LA Times - March 15, 2024
- New York Times - February 06, 2024
- USA Today - January 26, 2024
- USA Today - January 19, 2024
- USA Today - January 08, 2024
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