Answer: ERR
ERR is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 559 times.
Referring Clues:
- Show fallibility
- Bobble the ball
- Blow it
- Stub one's toe
- Be mistaken
- Make a mistake
- Slip
- Flub
- Mess up
- Not be perfect
- Muff
- Miscalculate
- Trip
- Slip up
- Misjudge
- Goof
- Drop the ball
- Underestimate, e.g.
- Answer incorrectly
- Make a misstep
- Be off base
- Stumble
- Blunder
- Stray
- Go wrong
- Make muffs
- Act human
- Fall from grace
- Pull a boner
- "To ___ is human..."
- Be off
- Are all wet
- Be faulty?
- Commit a faux pas
- Wander
- Go astray
- Drop one, say
- To do this is human
- Fall into evil ways
- Trespass
- Get it wrong
- Go bad?
- Make a goof
- Misquote, say
- Get wrong
- Goof up
- Go off
- Suffer a "brain cramp"
- Bobble
- Need correcting
- Fluff
- Lapse
- "To ___ is human ..."
- Elicit a 26-Down
- Make a boner
- Do wrong
- Miss a cue, say
- Make a miscue
- Need to be set straight
- Slip a cog
- Misstep
- Go off track
- Experience a brain cramp
- Say 2 + 2 = 5, say
- Boot one
- Drop a brick
- Make a boo-boo
- Bobble a fly, say
- Miss
- Not set things right
- Miss the mark
- "To ___ is human"
- Act human?
- Fumble
- Miss a beat, perhaps
- Do something boneheaded
- Misplay, e.g.
- Misreckon
- Add instead of subtract, e.g.
- Transgress
- Muff one
- Cause an interception, e.g.
- Make a clanger
- Use the answer to any of this puzzle's starred clues in ordinary conversation?
- Not be on target
- Drop a brick
- Kind of ant
- Behave badly
- Make a goof, not a go of
- Be inaccurate
- Misnumber a clue, maybe
- Screw up
- Boot one, in baseball
- Drop an easy one
- Miss a fly, say
- Do the wrong thing
- Bark up the wrong tree
- Fumble the ball
- Bungle up
- Be off-base
- Be 1-Across
- Need correction
- Go awry
- Slip or trip
- Trip or slip
- Reckon wrongly
- Bobble the ball, e.g.
- Louse up
- Exhibit poor judgment, perhaps
- Make a mess of things
- Make a blunder
- Bobble a ball, e.g.
- Be on the side of caution?
- Behave humanly?
- Write down the wrong answer
- Boot the baseball
- Prove fallible
- Drop a pop-up
- Make a faux pas
- Misplay
- Take a wrong turn
- Display fallibility
- Make a slip
- Be human?
- Throw wide, say
- Choose badly
- ___ on the side of caution
- Throw wide of the mark, say
- Drop the ball, e.g.
- Miscalculate, say
- Bungle
- Be human
- Give all for one or one for all, e.g.?
- Drop a pop-up, say
- "Do they not ___ that devise evil?": Proverbs 14:22
- Leave the straight and narrow
- Be human, so they say
- Make mistakes
- Commit a solecism
- Be human, according to a saying
- Show one's humanity?
- Zig instead of zag, say
- Be incorrect
- Boot the ball
- Go down the wrong path
- Throw too high, e.g.
- Get eliminated from a bee, say
- Throw wildly, e.g.
- Drop the ball, say
- Miss, say
- Boot a grounder
- Zig instead of zag?
- Be human, in a way
- Make a typo, say
- Overthrow first, say
- Muff a fly, e.g.
- Misspell a word, e.g.
- Not get the picture?
- Drop a pop
- Lose points on an exam, say
- Make a wrong choice
- Lose money on "Jeopardy!," e.g.
- Get something wrong
- Bobble something
- Need a redo
- ''To __ is human . . .''
- Foul up
- Guess wrong
- Humans do it
- ''To ___ is human''
- Demonstrate humanity?
- Be imperfect
- Answer incorrectly, e.g.
- Act humanly?
- Behave humanly
- Stray from the straight and narrow
- Go bad
- ''To ___ is human ...''
- Make a wrong choice, e.g.
- Trip or slip, e.g.
- Need to be corrected
- Misadd, e.g.
- Commit a blunder
- Commit a faux pas, e.g.
- Be dead wrong
- If you're human, you'll do it
- Blow one's lines, e.g.
- Boot a batted ball
- Write down the wrong answer, e.g.
- Delude oneself
- "To ___ is human . . ."
- Bumble
- Earn the right to say "My mistake"
- Necessitate an "Oops!"
- Thing to do on the side of caution
- Bark up the wrong tree, e.g.
- Miss a turnoff, e.g.
- Make a wrong turn, e.g.
- Botch things
- Fluff a line
- Drop an easy one, e.g.
- Choose badly, e.g.
- Mistake
- Transgress, e.g.
- Miss the routine grounder
- Prove one's humanity
- Prove one's humanity?
- Bobble a grounder, say
- Foozle
- Get knocked out of the spelling bee
- Muff a grounder
- It's human to do it
- Pull the wrong switch, e.g.
- Be wrong
- Botch a catch
- Drop a stitch
- What humans do
- Missay, say
- Commit a gaffe
- Misspeak, e.g.
- Hit the nail on the thumb
- Act proverbially human
- Act human, according to a proverb
- Commit a boo-boo
- Lose money on "Jeopardy!"
- Try to fit a square peg in a round hole, e.g.
- Commit catcher's interference, e.g.
- Botch something up
- Drop a brick, so to speak
- Misspeak or misspell
- Sail off-course, e.g.
- Go amiss
- Miss an easy fly
- Make a wrong move
- Commit 18-Down
- Wander off course, e.g.
- Flub it
- Flub the shot, say
- Overthrow, e.g.
- Type a typo
- Make faux pas
- Trip up
- Do a human thing
- Overthrow first, e.g.
- Misspell "misspell," e.g.
- Add wrong, e.g.
- Miss your exit, e.g.
- Bungle the job
- Drop the ball, literally or figuratively
- Sin, say
- Zig when you should have zagged, say
- Be off the mark
- Say the wrong thing
- Say the wrong thing
- Miss one
- Sin
- Transpose digits, say
- Act humanly
- Overcharge, e.g.
- Slip out
- Make a flub
- Miscalculate, perhaps
- Be at fault
- Push the wrong button, e.g.
- Choose the wrong path
- Botch the job
- Miswrite, say
- Thing to do on the cautious side?
- Botch one
- Botch
- Make missteps
- Make goofs
- Botch up
- Commit a misstep
- Show you're human
- Mess up
- Botch it up
- Not be correct
- Do it wrong
- Make a gaffe
- Be fallible
- Muff up
- Hit the nail on the thumb?
- Transpose digits, e.g.
- Fumble the ball, e.g.
- Go overboard, perhaps
- Be off target
- Misfield a ground ball, say
- "The wisest of the wise may ___": Aeschylus
- "The cautious seldom ___": Confucius
- Overthrow first base, e.g.
- Hit the nail on the thumb, e.g.
- Overcharge, say
- Be completely wrong
- Flub up
- Slip, say
- Do something wrong
- Miss a fly
- Make a booboo
- Behave humanly, in a saying
- Act inappropriately
- Flub a catch, e.g.
- Mix things up
- Have a lapse
- Mis-calculate
- Boot one on the field, say
- Get tripped up
- Boot one on the field, it's human
- Say 1 + 1 = 3, say
- Admit inadmissible evidence, say
- Misspeak, say
- Commit a mistake
- Break the law
- Fumble or stumble
- Write well as hell, say?
- Mishandle something, say
- "Uhh ..."
- Throw wildly, say
- Do something the wrong way
- Commit a goof
- Be stupid, but not on purpose
- Miss a step
- Drop a fly ball, e.g.
- Eff up
- Commit a miscue
- Misspell or misspeak
- Goof or go off
- Make a typo
- Be in the wrong
- Guess wrong, say
- Get one's wires crossed
- Exhibit fallibility
- Slip or trip, e.g.
- Stumble or fumble
- Make a blooper
- Leave the righteous path
- Give a wrong answer
- Miss an easy fly, e.g.
- Demonstrate one's humanity
- Come up with a wrong number
- Take a wrong turn, say
- It's human to do this
- Make a misplay
- Divide by zero in a computer program, maybe
- Make a left instead of a right, say
- Misplay a grounder
- Bobble a baseball
- Boot a baseball
- Make a baseball blooper reel
- Fumble, say
- Misidentify, e.g.
- Drop a routine fly ball
- Be off a bit
- Demonstrate one's humanity?
- Play the wrong golf ball, say
- Go too far, e.g.
- Throw too low, say
- Be a bungler
- Misdo something
- Bobble, drop or bungle
- Fail to be perfect
- Count six E's in this puzzle clue, for example
- Show one's fallibility
- Human thing to do
- Botch it
- Make a 63-Across
- Get things wrong
- Before, to Byron
- Throw wide of the cutoff man, say
- Get lost, say
- Veer off course
- Make a wrong turn, say
- Drop a popup
- Ga astray
- Throw the ball away, say
- "To ___ is human ..."
- Get someone's name wrong, e.g.
- Show imperfection
- Use the salad fork while eating one's entree, say
- Require an erasure
- Forget to carry the one, e.g.
- Act like a human
- End up short, say
- Show one's humanity
- Say irregardless?
- Make a wild throw, say
- Human thing to do, it's said
- Fumble, e.g.
- Make the wrong move
- Boot a grounder, say
- Miss an easy grounder, say
- Act human, proverbially
- Miscalculate or misspeak
- Affirm one's humanity?
- Do math incorrectly, e.g.
- Make an incorrect choice, e.g.
- Miss an easy spare, say
- Not be right
- Require a 110-Across, maybe
- Be amiss
- Miss one's exit, say
- Make 1-Down
- Make a wrong decision
- Muck it up
- Jump the gun, e.g.
- Miscalculate, e.g.
- Wander off logically
- Exemplify humanity, say
- Miss, for instance
- Fumble or foozle
- Make a wrong guess, e.g.
- Show poor judgment
- Write "mispell," e.g.
- Screw things up
- Muff it up
- Prompt a correction
- Boot an easy one
- Lose one's way
- Hit a sour note, say
- Hit a sour note, e.g.
- Be featured on a bloopers segment, maybe
- Miss on "Jeopardy!," e.g.
- Misspeak or misdo, e.g.
- Mismatch, e.g.
- Be goof-y?
- Require 24-Down, perhaps
- Overthrow a base, say
- Miss an easy one
- Just be wrong
- Get one's signals crossed, say
- Make flubs
- Be at 56-Across
- Go wrong?
- Require an eraser, perhaps
- Burn the toast, say
- Lose points, perhaps
- Spell "spell" "spel," say
- Botch something
- Make gaffes
- Make a bonehead play
- Cause an unearned run
- Verb with preposition and noun homophones
- Play the wrong ball, say
- 34-Down cut
- Muff an easy one
- Do wrong things?
- Drop the ball, really
- Make a bonehead move
- Hit a wrong key, say
- Shank a tee shot, say
- Hit "Reply All" instead of "Reply," say
- Miss a stage cue, say
- Boot a grounder, e.g.
- Choose answer (a) instead of (b), say
- Miss an exit, say
- "I prefer to ___ with Plato ... than to be right": Cicero
- Misdirect oneself
- Miscount, maybe
- Go off course
- Hit a sour note
- Make an oopsie
- Lower one's fielding average
- Lay an egg, say
- Write "a lot" as "alot," say
- Spell this answer A-I-R, e.g.
- Call Richard "Robert," say
- Mess something up
- Wander logically
- Call someone by the wrong name, e.g.
- End up off
- Hit "send" prematurely, say
- Do something human?
- Say "Oopsie," say
- Misspell somthing, say
- Head south to visit the North Pole, e.g.
- Make incorrect decisions
- Forget a date, e.g.
- Call Bob “rob”
- Make a miscalculation
- Flub something
- Give the wrong change, say
- Need an eraser, say
- "To say they ___ I dare not be so bold": Shakespeare
- Get an "Oh no" from Alex Trebek, say
- Make the wrong choice
- Write "mispell," say
- Muff something
- Lay an egg
- ___ on the side of
- Get the time wrong, say
- Forget an appointment, e.g.
- Goof up pretty good
- To do this is human, it's said
- Prove one's humanity, in a way
- Overshoot, say
- Zig when one should zag, say
- Make the wrong call
- Accidentally hit "Reply All," say
- Zig when one should have zagged, say
- Slip on your own banana in Mario Kart, say
- "Umm ..."
- Mkae smoe tpyos, sya
- Be human, in a proverb
- Leave the oven on, e.g.
- Show one's humanity, perhaps
- Play a wrong note, say
- Misidentify something, e.g.
- Send a text to the wrong person, say
- Add wrong, perhaps
- Make a typo ... or miss one
- Turn left instead of right, perhaps
- Miss your exit, perhaps
- Elicit an "Oops!," maybe
- Hit the wrong button, say
- Misspell a word, say
- Press "Reply All" instead of "Reply," for example
- Text the wrong person, say
- Confuse wasabi with guacamole, say
- Make a 41-Down
- Take a bite of decorative fruit, e.g.
- Put dish soap in the dishwasher, say
- Write "ere" for this answer, say
- Botch the job, say
- Act like a human?
- Go the wrong way
- Display one's humanity, in a way
- Go left instead of right, say
- "To ___ is human ... "
- Pour hamster food into the dog's bowl, say
- Play a proper noun in Scrabble, say
- Mistakenly hit reply all, e.g.
- "To ___ is human; to forgive, divine"
- Text an embarrassing screenshot to the wrong person, say
- Say "Whomever did this …," say
- Unintentionally reply all, say
- Mis-enter a passcode, say
- Speak too soon, say
- Spell "mispell," e.g.
- Step on your pet's perfect little foot, say
- Run a wallet through the washing machine, say
- Make the team's blooper reel, perhaps
- What you might do on the side of caution
- pour water on a grease fire e.g.
- Accidentally send a NSFW message to your boss, say
- Add salt instead of sugar, say
- "The cautious seldom ___" (quote attributed to Confucius)
- Make a Freudian slip, say
- Throw trash in the recycling bin, say
- Uhh ..
- Microwave aluminum foil, say
- Fumble or bumble
- Make a fumble
- Miss a cue
- Do a whoopsie
- Write alot, say?
- Lock your keys in the car, for example
- Zig instead of zag, perhaps
- Forget to finish writing a clue, mayb
- Forget to water the plants, say
Last Seen In:
- USA Today - March 18, 2025
- LA Times - March 12, 2025
- USA Today - March 07, 2025
- USA Today - February 28, 2025
- USA Today - February 26, 2025
- New York Times - February 23, 2025
- LA Times - February 13, 2025
- LA Times - February 02, 2025
- LA Times - February 01, 2025
- USA Today - January 21, 2025
- LA Times - January 20, 2025
- LA Times - January 19, 2025
- LA Times - January 18, 2025
- New York Times - January 13, 2025
- USA Today - December 30, 2024
- New York Times - December 29, 2024
- LA Times - December 24, 2024
- USA Today - December 23, 2024
- LA Times - December 23, 2024
- New York Times - December 16, 2024
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