Answer: IKEA
IKEA is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 319 times.
Referring Clues:
- Big furniture retailer
- Big name in home furnishings
- Home furnishings chain
- Swedish chain
- Swedish furniture giant
- Swedish-based furniture chain
- Swedish-based chain
- Swedish retail giant
- Furniture retailer since 1943
- Big name in furniture
- International retailer whose name is an acronym
- Retail furniture chain
- Scandinavian furniture giant
- Company founded by Ingvar Kamprad
- Furniture chain
- Furniture retailer from Sweden
- Chain founded by Ingvar Kamprad
- Swedish furniture chain
- Furniture company with an Online Assistant named Anna
- Self-assembly furniture giant
- Swedish furniture franchise
- Flat-package furniture furnisher
- Build-it-yourself furniture company
- Build-it-yourself chain
- Swedish furniture seller
- Furniture firm founded in Sweden
- Home products company founded by Ingvar Kamprad
- It sells a lot of build-it-yourself furniture
- Unböring retailer
- Retail giant from 5-Down
- Swedish company with a catalog
- World's largest furniture retailer
- Maker of the Björkudden dining table
- Furnishings giant
- Chain store founded by Ingvar Kamprad
- Crate & Barrel rival
- Company whose products often come with Allen wrenches
- Company that makes the Sälen sofa
- Scandinavian retailer
- Store chain founded in Älmhult, Sweden
- Its first store opened in 1958 in Älmhult, Sweden
- Furniture chain founded by Ingvar Kamprad
- Sweden-based furniture chain
- Retail giant founded by a 17-year-old
- Big name in do-it-yourself furniture
- Furnisher of many dorm rooms
- Group with stores in 24 countries
- Retailer with a "Democratic Design" philosophy
- Furniture company named partly for its founder Ingvar Kamprad
- Company with an Effektiv storage furniture line
- Its USA Web site Online Assistant is named Anna
- Trendy furniture store
- Its first store opened in Älmhult, Sweden, in 1958
- Home-furnishings chain
- Put-it-together chain
- Home-decor giant
- Chain from Europe
- Chain from Scandinavia
- Pier 1 rival
- Furniture giant
- Furnisher for the frugal
- Home furnishings megastore
- Chain founded in Sweden
- Popular furniture chain
- Furniture chain founded in Sweden
- Futon shopper's stop, perhaps
- Self-assembly retail chain
- Where to buy Billy bookcases
- Swedish home furnishings chain
- Retailer with blue-and-yellow megastores
- Acronymic store name
- Swedish furniture retailer
- Maker of Karlstad living room furniture
- Scandinavian chain
- Flat-pack design pioneer
- Scandinavian furniture chain
- Retail giant whose logo has blue letters in a yellow oval
- Low-priced furniture source
- Self-assembly chain
- Pier 1 alternative
- Seller of FÖRNUFT flatware
- Source of furniture you'll throw out in three years
- Big-box in which I get extremely tired
- Popular furniture store
- Store started in Sweden
- Big name in mail-order catalogues
- Swedish superstore
- Source of cheap furniture
- International furniture retailer
- Seller of Expedit desks
- Company headquartered in Delft
- Home furnishings acronym
- Its headquarters are in Delft
- Seller of EKBY JÄRPEN shelves
- Company owned by former fascist Ingvar Kamprad
- Household goods retail chain founded in Sweden
- Assemble-it-yourself chain
- Furniture store chain
- Furniture brand
- Furniture store name
- Swedish furniture name
- Swedish furniture brand
- Furniture name
- Its logo includes its name in blue letters in a yellow oval
- Put-it-together-yourself company
- Home decor giant
- Swedish retailer
- Company that makes the Ektorp sofa
- European-based furniture giant
- Big-box store
- Chain with plans to build a Swedish wind farm
- Seller of SOMMARVIND beach accessories
- Swedish big box store
- Kamprad's chain
- Umlaut-happy retailer
- Eco-friendly chain
- Company whose first store was in Aelmhult, Sweden
- Retailer that recently admitted to using forced labor
- World's third-largest wood consumer
- Pottery Barn competitor
- Billy Bookcase seller
- Furniture store that also sells Swedish meatballs
- Its products often have Allen wrenches included
- Blue and yellow big-box
- Horsemeat meatball big box
- Billy Bookcase brand
- Big retailer of home accessories
- Assemble-it-yourself company
- Furniture chain that started in Sweden
- Furniture company founded by Ingvar Kamprad
- Company founded by a 17-year-old Swede
- Chain that sells Borgsjö bookcases
- Kit-selling chain
- Flat pack furniture seller
- Company name that begins with its founder's initials
- Noted provider of pictorial instructions
- Maker of BESTÅ storage products
- Blue-and-yellow megastore
- Furniture giant founded in Sweden
- EKTORP sofa seller
- Source of much dorm furniture
- Source of much cheap modern furniture
- Furniture chain for do-it-yourselfers
- Certain superstore
- Furniture megastore
- Company said to use about 1% of the world's wood supply
- Where to buy a Billy bookcase
- Modular furniture place
- Assemble-it-yourself mecca
- Purveyor of many flat packs
- International company with an acronymic name
- Its logo uses Sweden's national colors
- Big seller of lingonberry jam
- Company with a lot of manual work?
- Mass-market furniture company
- Company with "Long live the home" ads
- Furniture store that sells frozen meatballs
- Furniture giant with a blue and yellow logo
- Retail giant with stores in 23 U.S. states
- The world's largest one is in South Korea, the second-largest in Sweden
- Self-assembly furniture chain
- Its product names may contain umlauts
- Maker of NORDLI furniture
- Furniture chain that sells Swedish meatballs
- Retail giant whose catalog comes in 17 languages
- Store with a "Self Serve" furniture warehouse
- Maker of HEMNES furniture
- "Unböring" furniture chain
- Seller of the Söderhamn sofa
- Flat-package furniture chain
- Chain selling Swedish meatballs
- Company with a noted catalog
- Major lumber user
- The average size of its stores is 300,000 square feet
- Major seller of "cider äpple"
- Many of its products have legs
- Furnishings retailer with gigantic stores
- Major seller of bookcases
- Chain selling elk sausage
- Company that was the first in the U.S. to air a TV ad with a gay couple (1994)
- Seller of Billy bookcases
- Place to get a 48-Down, perhaps
- Furniture chain popular in dorms
- Seller of Kallax shelves
- Swedish furniture maker
- Chain testing solar-panel packages
- Build-it-yourself retailer
- Store with a three-syllable name in four letters
- Seller of Vurm wine racks
- Home furnishings giant
- Retail giant started by a 17-year-old Swede
- Maker of the Klippan sofa
- Global furniture giant
- Furniture superstore
- Chain that sells furniture and seafood
- Chain with a museum in Sweden
- Retail giant in furniture
- Build-it-yourself furniture chain
- "Make room for life" sloganeer
- Purveyor of sofas and salmon
- Source of affordable furniture
- VURM wine rack seller
- Chain offering wordless assembly manuals
- Many of its products are named for Scandinavian places
- Retailer with a blue and yellow logo
- Company whose how-to manuals lack words
- Swedish megastore with a museum
- Flat-pack furniture chain
- Scandinavian furniture seller
- Chain selling Fornuft flatware
- Furniture chain also known for Swedish meatballs
- Seller of flat-package furniture
- Flat-pack furniture store
- Megastore with a museum
- Home to the Smland play area
- Name in DIY furniture
- Affordable furniture brand
- Build-it-yourselfer's mecca
- Flat-package furniture retailer
- DIY furniture store
- Furniture store that sells Swedish meatballs
- Company with assembly lines?
- Store with a notably mazelike layout
- Furniture company that owns Swedwood
- Furniture giant with a blue-and-yellow logo
- Acronymic furniture retailer
- Swedish furniture chain that owns TaskRabbit
- Distributor of freebie paper rulers
- Company whose bathroom sinks are named for Swedish bodies of water
- Home Depot rival
- Rooms to Go rival
- Big-box furniture chain
- Brand in a studio, maybe
- DIY furniture brand
- Retailer whose logo colors are the same as on its founder's national flag
- Flatpack retailer
- Furniture chain that also sells lingonberry jam
- Home furnishings store with a three-syllable name
- International retailer founded in Sweden
- Furniture chain that sells mustard
- Big seller of unassembled furniture
- Furniture store that sells meatballs
- Assemble-it-yourself furniture store
- Retailer associated with a coat-wearing monkey
- Maker of BILLY bookcases
- Swedish Food Market locale
- Swedish furniture source
- Furniture retailer founded in Sweden
- Flat-box furniture store
- Major seller of sofas
- Retail giant that opened its first U.S. store near Philadelphia in 1985
- Retailer with a meatball recipe to make at "höme"
- Home furnishing giant
- International furniture chain
- The ___ effect (tendency to overvalue self-assembled items)
- Furniture chain that also sells lingonberry preserves
- DIY furniture company
- Ready-to-assemble furniture giant
- Chain with a museum in Almhult
- Store with a Swedish Food Market
- First company to feature a gay couple in a mainstream U.S. TV ad (1994)
- Its products often come with Allen wrenches
- Seller of Uppland and Ektorp sofas
- POANG chair seller
- ___ effect, bias toward products that consumers assemble themselves
- Scandinavian furniture store
- Its merchandise often comes with pictorial instructions
- Swedish furniture store
- Producer of the world's most widely read consumer catalog
- Big believer in the freedom of assembly?
- DIY furniture giant
- Store with a one-way route through its cavernous space
- Its products often come with Allen keys
- Furniture company founded in Sweden
- What Shøp on "The Simpsons" is a parody of
- Furniture store with a food court
- Big seller of flat-pack furniture
- Seller of Vedbo armchairs
- Store with Småland play areas
- Where one may purchase a sectional with a side of meatballs
- SUNDVIK baby furniture retailer
- Company that uses about 1% of the world's wood supply annually
- Retail giant founded in 1943 by a 17-year-old
- Store with SmŒland play areas
- Furniture chain whose first store was in Almhult
- Maker of MYDAL bunk beds
- International brand with a three-syllable name
- Superstore with wordless assembly instructions
- Furniture giant whose name is an acronym
- Store whose packages typically contain Allen keys
- Big-box store with a labyrinthine layout
- Store with a suggested navigational path
- Home furnishings superstore
- Maker of SEKTION kitchen cabinets
- Furniture chain that is developing a 3D-printed meatball
- Store whose products often come with Allen wrenches
- Swedish superstore with a yellow-and-blue logo
- Store whose name is an acronym
- Flatpack furniture seller
- Retail giant whose first store opened in Älmhult, Sweden
- KALLAX shelf seller
- Furniture store known for its cafeterias' meatballs
- Furniture chain with a Smaland play area
- Furniture retailer that sells FIXA tool kits
- HEMNES retailer
- Furniture store with a cafeteria
- Store that sells KALLAX shelving
- Maker of Ektorp sofas
- Maker of Sektion cabinets
- World's largest furniture company
- Wayfair alternative
- Store selling Smedstorp sofas
- Billy bookcase retailer
- Company name aptly found in "The bookcase came together like a charm!"
- Store for folks who like to assemble
- Store with a Swedish House Mafia collaboration
- Store whose website login greeting reads "Hej"
- Store with a mazelike layout
- Seller of Poäng and Ekenäset chairs
Last Seen In:
- New York Times - March 06, 2025
- New York Times - November 11, 2024
- USA Today - October 11, 2024
- LA Times - September 22, 2024
- LA Times - September 19, 2024
- New York Times - August 12, 2024
- LA Times - August 08, 2024
- LA Times - August 01, 2024
- New York Times - July 16, 2024
- New York Times - July 07, 2024
- New York Times - June 17, 2024
- LA Times - June 14, 2024
- LA Times - April 17, 2024
- USA Today - April 12, 2024
- USA Today - April 02, 2024
- LA Times - March 31, 2024
- LA Times - March 21, 2024
- USA Today - February 13, 2024
- New York Times - February 12, 2024
- LA Times - February 08, 2024
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