Answer: PSI
PSI is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 291 times.
Referring Clues:
- Pressure meas.
- Kind of particle
- Sorority letter
- Fraternity letter
- Kind of phenomena
- 23d of a series
- The Beatles' "___ Love You"
- ___ particle
- Telepathy and such
- Omega's preceder
- Pressure unit: Abbr.
- Phenomenon such as ESP
- "___ Love You"
- Inflation meas.
- Telepathy, e.g.
- Tire meas.
- Electric flux symbol
- Symbol of electric flux
- Chi's follower
- Letter before omega
- Telekinesis, e.g.
- Sixth-sense phenomenon
- Trident-shaped letter
- ESP and such
- Superhuman ability
- Greek letter
- Tire abbr.
- Tire gauge reading: Abbr.
- College sweater letter
- Chi follower
- Next-to-last Greek letter
- Tire letters
- 23rd of 24 letters
- Tire pressure measure: Abbr.
- Inflation measure?: Abbr.
- Greek letter spelled out at the start of a Beatles title?
- Last Greek consonant
- Tire pressure meas.
- Letter after chi
- 23rd in a series
- Eerie kind of powers
- Michelin guide no.?
- Abbr. on a boiler's gauge
- Pitchfork-shaped letter
- ESP, remote viewing, and such
- Wave function symbol
- Air pump letters
- Scuba tank meas.
- 19-Down follower
- Pitchfork-shaped Greek letter
- Letters on tires
- Wave function symbol in physics
- Penultimate Greek letter
- Air pump abbr.
- Letter from Greece
- "___ Love You" (Beatles hit)
- "___ Love You" (Beatles song)
- Tire pressure measurement (abbr.)
- Omega preceder
- Letter resembling a pitchfork
- ...chi, ___, omega
- Chi-omega go-between
- Meas. of pressure
- 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet
- Three letters that start a Beatles song title
- Three letters that start a Beatles title
- Penultimate letter of the Greek alphabet
- Greek letter that begins with a silent letter
- Letter from Pericles
- Tire gauge reading (abbr.)
- Letter that appears twice in the Schrödinger equation
- Tire pressure letters
- ___ particle (unstable meson)
- Abbr. on a tire
- ESP, e.g.
- 23rd Greek letter
- Greek letter that looks like a trident
- Second-to-last letter of the Greek alphabet
- Letter that looks like a pitchfork
- Goodyear abbr.
- Final one-syllable Greek letter
- Pneumatic no.
- Schrödinger equation letter
- Inner tube abbr.
- Penultimate of a group of 24
- Trident-shaped Greek letter
- Tire gauge meas.
- Telepathy term
- Chi-omega connection
- Clairvoyance, e.g.
- Air setting at the service sta.
- Air-pump letters
- Air-pump initials
- Tire-pressure unit: Abbr.
- Tire-pressure letters
- Pressure unit
- Measure of inflation: Abbr.
- Frat letter
- Tire-gauge meas.
- Air-pump meas.
- It comes before omega
- Twenty-third of 24 letters
- Twenty-third Greek letter
- Abbreviation on tires in Greece?
- Unit of pressure (Abbr.)
- Pressure unit, briefly
- Letters on a tire
- Letters on a radial
- American equivalent of kPa
- Abbreviation on tires
- Inflation letters
- One-syllable Greek letter
- Homer's penultimate letter
- Reading on a tire (Abbr.)
- Air pressure meas.
- Pressure measure
- ". . . chi, ____, . . ."
- Fraternity letter, perhaps
- Three letters starting a Beatles song title
- Pressure measure (Abbr.)
- 23rd letter on the Peloponnesus
- Chi omega separator
- Beatles tune "___ Love You"
- Tire-pressure meas.
- Tire-gauge abbr.
- Letters found on all tires
- Character shaped like a pitchfork
- "___ Love You" (Beatles tune)
- Tire-pressure measurement (Abbr.)
- Water potential symbol
- Wave function symbol in quantum mechanics
- Clairvoyance and such
- Abbreviation on Greek tires?
- Letter between chi and omega
- Reciprocal Fibonacci constant
- Tire pressure fig.
- Tire stat
- Omega follows it
- Character in "The Iliad"
- Corinthian consonant
- It comes after chi
- "... chi, ____, ..."
- Greek letter whose first letter is silent
- Air-pressure letters
- Air pressure abbr.
- Chi follower
- Symbol for electric flux
- Air pump setting: Abbr.
- Fourth letter after 49-Down
- Tire inflation meas.
- Greek consonant
- Next-to-last letter
- Air-pressure meas.
- Tire-pressure abbr.
- Greek penultimate letter
- Greek letter
- It follows chi
- Sidewall letters
- Letter before 19-Across
- Omega neighbor
- Symbol of the planet Neptune
- "Love You" lead-in
- Paranormal phenomena
- Tire spec abbr.
- Tire gauge no.
- Greek letter that sounds like a deep breath
- Letters on a radial tire
- Inflationary meas.
- Tire pressure stat
- Poseidon's trident?
- Frat-row letter, say
- Sixth letter after 53-Down
- Inflation indicator: Abbr.
- Sixth after 15-Down
- Pressure meas. letters on tires
- Inflationary fig.?
- Chi-omega connector
- Tire-gauge notation
- Omega predecessor
- It's pitchfork-shaped
- 23rd letter
- Unit of pressure
- Follower of chi
- Air-pump abbr.
- Letter resembling a trident
- Symbol for Freud's field
- Y
- Unit of pressure: Abbr.
- Tire pressure abbr.
- Tire inflation abbr.
- Letters of tires
- Deflategate letters
- Inflation fig.
- "___ factor: chronicles of the paranormal"
- Measure of inflation, for short
- Symbol for water potential
- Inflation letters?
- What Indiana University's superimposed "I" and "U" looks like
- It's shaped like a trident
- Initials on a radial
- Pressure letters
- Letters on an air pump
- Letters of inflation
- Letters of pressure
- Fig. that goes around and around
- Tire measure: Abbr.
- Chi-omega linkup
- Letters that go around on the road
- Letters that roll?
- Wave function denoter in quantum mechanics
- Greek letter before omega
- Air pressure unit (abbr.)
- Air pump fig.
- Scuba meas.
- Letters of pressure on tires
- Chi-omega link
- Letters of air pressure
- Letters on a Goodyear
- Tire gauge fig.
- Campus letter
- Tire inflation stat.
- It comes between chi and omega
- Fig. checked during re-tire-ment?
- Tire inflation letters
- Tire stat.
- Air pressure letters
- Inflation stat.
- Meas. checked at a garage
- 23rd of 24
- Air-in-tire letters
- Meas. checked after tire rotation
- Omega lead-in
- Letters that revolve
- Abbr. of inflation
- Air pressure fig.
- Letter with a silent letter
- Abbr. on tires
- Tire shop meas.
- Letters on a Michelin
- Pressurized letters?
- Omega's predecessor
- Abbr. on an air pump
- Second after tau
- Letters indicating pressure
- About 13, for NFL interiors
- Inflation no.
- Inflation abbreviation
- Letter after "X"
- Abbr. at a tire shop
- Penultimate letter
- Auto inspection no.
- Penultimate of 24 letters
- Letter that sounds like an expression of relief
- First Greek letter in "Psyche"
- ___ Chi (psychology honor society)
- Tire spec
- Abbr. on a car tire
- Pressure gauge fig.
- Inflation spec
- Wistful-sounding Greek letter
- First letter in the Greek spelling of "Psyche"
- Tire pressure initials
- Greek letter used in the Shrödinger equation
- ... phi, chi, ___, omega
- Inflation stat, for short
- Letter spelled by inserting a letter into another letter
- Spec. for tires
- Trident look-alike
- Power-washing meas.
- Three-pronged letter
- Letter resembling Indiana University's logo
- No. listed on the inside of car doors, often
- Abbr. at a pump
- Three-pronged Greek letter
- Greek letter resembling a trident
- Inflation measure, in brief
- Trident shaped greek letter
- Greek letter after chi
- Greek letter shaped like a pitchfork
- Three-point letter you won't find in Scrabble?
- Pump letters
- Letter before 2 down
- Letter before 1-Across
- Measure of inflation, in brief
- Greek consonant hidden in the names of two Greek vowels
- Tire fig.
- Last of five rhyming Greek letters
- Greek letter hidden in "epsilon"
- Second-to-last Greek letter
- Tire reading, for short
- Tired initials?
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - March 16, 2025
- LA Times - February 26, 2025
- New York Times - February 06, 2025
- New York Times - January 12, 2025
- USA Today - December 25, 2024
- LA Times - November 27, 2024
- New York Times - November 26, 2024
- USA Today - November 19, 2024
- New York Times - November 10, 2024
- LA Times - November 01, 2024
- LA Times - October 17, 2024
- LA Times - September 02, 2024
- LA Times - August 27, 2024
- New York Times - August 18, 2024
- USA Today - August 02, 2024
- New York Times - July 17, 2024
- LA Times - June 25, 2024
- LA Times - May 10, 2024
- USA Today - May 07, 2024
- USA Today - April 30, 2024
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